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ASWVC Student Senate

2023 - 2024 Student Senate

Wenatchee Meeting Time - Winter Quarter 2024

Every Wednesday from 4:00 pm-5:00 pm - Van Tassell Center - Knight's Conference Room (5006). If you would like to be added to the Senate agenda, please email Cody Rogers ( at least a week in advance.

Group Photo NSO

Front Row (Left to Right): Jackson Young, Alexi Granados, Brayan Guerrero, Trent Renslow.

Back Row (Left to Right): Delano Calimlim, Belinda Mercado, Denise Laurel Espinoza, Lexie Fennell, Kaitlin Barrows, Karen Rivera, Dania Cuevas Sandoval.

ASWVC (Associated Students of Wenatchee Valley College)

The ASWVC is a self-governing student organization. This association functions according to the policies and regulations adopted by the WVC Board of Trustees.  ASWVC Student Senate sponsors the majority of all student events, activities and projects. The Student Senate also provides a liaison between students and the college administration and faculty regarding activities, student clubs and policies.

Senate Advisors:

Vacant, Associate Dean of Campus Life, Equity & Inclusion , 509-682-6867

Omak Advisor: Edith Gomez, Campus Life & Diversity Coordinator , 509-422-7814  


Lexie Fennell

Lexie Fennell

Dania Cuevas Sandoval

Dania Cuevas Sandoval
Vice President

Alexi Granados

Alexi Granados

Delano Calimlim

Delano Calimlim

Belinda Mercado

Belinda Mercado
Dir. of Diversity

Jackson Young

Jackson Young
Dir. of Health & Wellness

Denise Laurel Espinoza

Denise Laurel Espinoza
Dir. of Public Relations

Karen Rivera

Karen Rivera
Dir. of Campus Activities

Brayan Guerrero

Brayan Guerrero
Dir. of Social & Civic

Kaitlin Barrows

Kaitlin Barrows
Student Ambassador

Trent Renslow

Trent Renslow
Student Ambassador





Executive Board
  • Lexie Fennell, President, 509-682-6878
  • Dania Cuevas Sandoval, Vice President, 509-682-6878
  • Alexi Granados, Secretary, 509-682-6878
  • Delano Calimlim, Treasurer, 509-682-6878
Campus Activities Board
  • Karen Rivera, Director of Campus Activities, 509-682-6878
  • Brayan Guerrero, Director of Social & Civic Responsibility, 509-682-6878
  • Belinda Mercado, Director of Diversity, 509-682-6878
  • Denise Laurel Espinoza, Director of Public Relations, 509-682-6878
  • Jackson Young, Director of Health & Wellness, 509-682-6878
Student Ambassador
  • Kaitlin Barrows, Student Ambassador, 509-682-6878
  • Trent Renslow, Student Ambassador, 509-682-6878

ASWVC Funding comes from the services and activities fee paid with tuition, outside donations, and fundraising efforts. These funds help support clubs and organizations, athletics, and cultural and social events. It is the responsibility of the Student Senate to recommend the annual ASWVC budget to the Wenatchee Valley Board of Trustees and receive the Board’s approval.

Constitution & Bylaws